Greenbull in the press.

Meet Yann Darwin: The Firefighter-Turned-Millionaire Shares How to Build Wealth from Scratch
From answering emergency calls as a firefighter to crafting tomorrow’s financial strategies, Yann Darwin discovered that true wealth lies in the freedom to design your own life—free from the invisible chains of poorly managed finances.

Frugalism and retirement at 40 -Real estate investment and financial independence
Frugalism is a perfectly valid strategy for accelerating investment capacity......

ARYA puts financial markets within reach of private individuals.
Most private individuals have a fairly clear idea of the potential of Trading. In their enthusiasm, however, they forget one important “detail”: the technology....

Fintech TechX presents ARYA, the managed trading solution that allows you to generate additional income
Trading has undergone two major waves of transformation: one in the 1980s with computerization and access to financial markets for individuals...

Growth Objective : interview with Guillaume Monges
The subsidiary of the Nice-based Greenbull Group aims to leverage technological advancements to offer disruptive solutions...

L’immobilier au service de l’indépendance financière
La croissance de la recherche de la liberté financière, aujourd’hui, est statistiquement justifiée par le fait que les Français sont globalement mal dans leur travail, dans leur vie... ...

Clermont-Ferrand : le pompier devenu homme d'affaires, le parcours détonnant du youtubeur Yann Darwin
Pompier à Clermont-Ferrand dans le Puy-de-Dôme à l'origine, il est devenu homme d'affaires et vit aujourd'hui à Dubaï....
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